Monday, October 29, 2012


Since some of you may be interested in the Megastorm now threatening the East Coast, I thought I might keep you posted on how it is here, in Baltimore, high and dry on the fourth floor of my apartment building. If the storm evolves in an interesting way, I’ll keep posting.

Monday, October 29, 6:30 AM

Our governor has declared a state of emergency for all of Maryland and the TV news has been full of dire predictions, closings, and shots of Jessica Cartalia in Ocean City, hunched in a poncho over her microphone wrapped in a plastic bag. But here, where I am, nothing seems ominous. In accordance with instructions from my building, I was sure all the windows and doors to the outside were closed and locked – did they think the wind would open a heavy, closed door? – before I went to bed last night but now that seems silly, and I missed the fresh air in my bedroom. From my living room, I can watch the storm as it progresses, if it does, and that seems far from real to me now and from here. My New York Times was outside my door this morning, as usual, and all seems normal. There’s a steady, if desultory rain, and the trees are moving a little at the tops but nothing seems out of the ordinary. I have a 10:30 physical therapy appointment in Towson, about 15 minutes north of here. Should I cancel?

Stay tuned.

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