Monday, October 29, 2012

Storm Update

October 29, 2012

8:30 PM

The rain is now coming down sideways and scudding across the streets in rippled sheets rushing toward the curb or wherever the wind is blowing it. The trees are dancing like partners in a lively jamboree, bouncing up and down and throwing their branches and leaves in many directions like a woman who might be celebrating the drying her hair. The city seems deserted, the stop lights swinging back and forth as though metronomes keeping time with the wind. The windows of The Fitz, designed to keep out the noise of the light rail that is so near, prevent me from having any sensation of the velocity of the storm; all seems quiet inside. The storm is now nearing the coast and I'm sure we'll have the worst of it yet to come but I'm tired of following it all day and will soon go to bed. If the storm wakes me in the night, I'll be back. Otherwise, I'll report again tomorrow. I feel sorry for the people on TV who have been there since four this morning, talking enthusiastically all day, trying to keep us interested in what may be a once in a lifetime occurance. Back tomorrow.  Stay tuned.

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